Creating Wine Products
Wine Products
Wine Products can be any alcoholic beverage that the winery is selling. These products will be taxed as wine products.
Creating Wine Products
Open the Catalog Manager module which is located under Products. At the top of the Catalog, the manager selects New Product. Wine Products are the default for any new product. The product type should be set to wine. Now fill out at minimum the Title, POS Title. Retail Price, Case Qty, and if you want this product to be taxed.
Additional Product Fields
These are all the optional fields you can enter when creating a Product.
Product Category: These are set up by the winery and allow you to distinguish between your products
Part no: This number is the identifier of a particular product
UPC: The barcode number
Point of Sale Printer Mode: This is where you set if you want the product to be printed at the bar or kitchen printer
Hidden On: Will remove this product from the selected location
Select Image: Upload the product image for the webstore
Manage Additional Required Items: If you wish to require a second item with this product you can add that item here as a required product.
Print Barcode: Print out the Products barcode
Declared Value: The cost of the product
Cost: The cost for the purchase of the product.
Weight: How much the product weighs in lbs. This is not applicable to wine products. Instead, fill out the volume on the wine specs tab.
Low stock: The number you would like to receive a notification for if the inventory of this product falls below
Touch Qty: How many people have to come in contact with the bottle before it is shipped? This only matters if you have set up to charge customers for touch Qty.
Basket Min: The minimum number of bottles that must be purchased with each order
Basket Max: The maximum number of this product that can be included in an order.
Cust, Acct. Max: The maximum number of this product that can be bought per customer.
Sale Price: If you want the product to be on sale. You can have this specifically for the location, but this sale will be for everyone.
Case Discount Qty: How many cases do the customer have to buy to get the customer class case discount?
Vendor: A person or Company offering your product for sale.
Customer Class Prices & Discounts: Which customer classes will be able to purchase the product and receive their customer class discount?
Overview: The information displayed on the webstore about the product
Summary Overview: Additional information about the product is displayed on the webstore.
SEO Tools: Information to increase the potential of your website to have high placement on search engine ranking pages.
Wine Specs
This page is where you add the specifics about the wine. The most important fields here are the Volume and Alcohol % fields. The volume is used for estimating shipping costs and for compliance. The alcohol % is used for compliance. If you wish to upload a file to your webstore that customer can download the wine specs form do so with the Wine notes and select button. At the bottom of this page, there is a group of optional text boxes. If you fill these out and enable them, they will display on the webstore when customers select to see more details about the bottle.
This is where you can link your bottle of wine together via vintage.
Groups & Sub Groups
This page is where you select where you want this product to be located on your webstore and point of sale group.
This page is where you select the status of the product. If you want this product to appear for everyone, make the product active.