Card Processor Decline Messages

Modified on Tue, 9 Apr at 7:58 AM


OrderPort Administration

Card Processor Decline Messages

Why do I get the following error message when I try to process a transaction or update a credit card?

*Note: Messages may vary across processors. However, many of these codes are universally applicable.


To fix this error, you need to turn off AVS Setting in the Gateway under FRISK (TM) Management > Configure Options. Select Address Verification and set it to "No Match Required" 



This error means that the expiration date for the credit card has passed, or it is an invalid credit card. The issuing bank declines the transaction when it fails their authorization process.


DENIED/DECLINED (Every transaction is being declined)

A simple fix is to Update Device on your EMV Reader (ver 4.0 and up). You would go to Tools > About > 1st Mile Settings > Edit > Hardware > Select Reader's Serial Number > Update Device. That would fix the declined transactions.



Add/Updating Card – The Virtual Token for this card was deleted after being inactive for some time. So, you would have to add the Card on File again to create a new profile for that card. Using the ‘update’ function in OrderPort will not create a new token, deleting/adding a new card is required.


Deleted Card

The credit card (used to process the order) was deleted. To fix this, refund the card through the payment processor’s gateway and then contact support to correctly reflect the refund in OrderPort.



It means the customer has marked the credit card as stolen or lost by their issuing bank.



This error indicates that the Merchant ID is invalid, or that changes must be made on the account. If you can process a transaction as a 'Card Present (Key the card, using the chip/swiper)' but not 'Card Not Present (Select Card on File or On file at Checkout),' contact WorldPay for this error message. Worldpay's support line is (866) 783-0809.


Payment Processing Unavailable (Please Try Again Later)

Contact Support at (206) 464-1151.



WorldPay is receiving this on their system with a zero response from the issuing bank. The customer's credit card was revoked by the issuing bank to stop recurring payments from happening. In cases where the credit card is no longer valid, or the customer contacted the issuing bank to not release payment for the following merchant. The customer would have to either use another card (or another form of payment) for the payment to go through. Another option is to have the customer contact their bank to release the hold on their credit card.


Invalid PAN/Account Number or Account Format

PAN/Account Number - Credit Card information is wrong or the number of digits is off.

Account Format - ZIP code in the billing is incorrect.



Merchant account with the credit card processor may not be set up for a specific card type (AMEX, Discover, etc).

“Service Not Allowed" are being declined by the card issuer due to a restriction on the credit card or account. Restrictions are caused by:

•  The line of business to the merchant you are paying - for example, a business credit card may prevent personal service transactions.

•  The type of transaction - for example, your card may prevent online purchases.



The customer was attempting to use the chip function of the reader despite not having WorldPay as their payment processor (Example: they would be using VITL/TSYS, First Data, Evalon (NOVA), etc). They would need to fail the chip insert by putting it backwards so they can swipe the card.



The bank has declined the transaction. See 'DO NOT HONOR'.



WorldPay Express has implemented a policy in which orders past 45 days old can no longer be refunded from the initial transaction. They do however offer the ability to issue a manual credit. Once completed, provide OrderPort Support with the manual refund details and the change will be reflected on the order. Reach out to WorldPay either by email or phone and provide the merchant ID for verification.



After a year, COF profiles/tokens expire. This notification will appear when this occurs. A new COF must be created in OrderPort to generate a new token (even if the card details have not changed).


This gets thrown when the incorrect CVV is used, or the wrong address is provided during the transaction. Or it could be both of them. When both or one of them is wrong, it will throw that specific decline. Other issues that could cause this would be the cardholder has enrolled in the "Verified by VISA (mastercards version.. ) and the card issuer is requiring the "verification code" that the system needs to be passed along in the request. OR there's a restriction on the card that the cardholder will need to call the issuer to "validate" the payment.

Refund IP addresses

Merchant Partners/FirstMile requires an IP address for allowing refunds. Below are the IP addresses we submit from for refunds. You need to update the IP Address through Frisk Management in the WorldPay Gateway under Allow Credits.


IP addresses as of 7/13/22



Two Digit Error Codes

Extra references for two-digit error codes you may see when a card is declined. "HostResponseCode" is the double digit code you'll want to use to identify the error 

00Transaction ApprovedTransaction Approved Successfully
01Refer to IssuerThe customer’s card issuer has indicated there is a problem with the credentials used in the transaction. The customer should use an alternate credit card, or contact their bank.
01Do Not HonourDeclined by Fraud – Check the transaction details against the account’s Fraud Settings. This error indicates that one of the Fraud rules has triggered.
01Do Not HonourDeclined by Bendigo - This error will be received by Bendigo merchants who are not passing the CVN.
02Refer to Issuer, SpecialThe customer’s card issuer has indicated there is a problem with the card number. The customer should use an alternate credit card, or contact their bank.
03No MerchantThis error indicates that either your merchant facility is non-functional or the details entered into eWAY are incorrect.
04Pick Up CardThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction and requested that the card be retained as the card may have been reported as lost or stolen. 
05Do Not HonourThe '05 Do Not Honour' error is a generic bank response code that has several possible causes. However it does generally indicate a card error rather than an error with your merchant facility. The '05' error indicates your bank declining the customer's card for an unspecified reason.
06ErrorThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as there is a problem with the card number. The customer should contact their card issuer and/or use an alternate card.

Note: This response code can also be returned via the Rapid API if you run a transaction query prior to the transaction being completed.
08Honour with IdentificationTransaction processed successfully - identification NOT required. This code is returned by some banks in place of 00 response.
09Request in ProgressThe card issuer has indicated there is a problem with the card number. The customer should contact
their bank and/or use an alternate credit card.
10Approved for Partial AmountThe transaction was successful.
12Invalid Transaction

The bank has declined the transaction because of an invalid format or field. This indicates the card details were incorrect. Check card data entered and try again.

Ensure there are no spaces, or special characters (, &, $) in the card number.

13Invalid Amount

The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction because of an invalid format or field. Check the transaction information and try processing the transaction again.

An invalid character (e.g. a dollar sign or a space) may be being passed to eWAY.

Note: Transaction amounts should be passed to eWAY in cents form only - ie, $10 should be passed as 1000.

You may need to speak with your web developer to review the code that is being passed to eWAY for transaction amount.

If you are attempting to charge in a currency other than your local currency, contact eWAY to ensure your account is able to support foreign currencies, and has been configured correctly.

14Invalid Card NumberThe card issuing bank has declined the transaction as the credit card number is incorrectly entered, or does not exist. Check card details and try processing again.
15No IssuerThe customer’s card issuer does not exist. Check the card information and try processing the transaction again.
19Re-Enter Last TransactionThe transaction has not been processed and the customer should attempt to process the transaction again. No further information is provided from the bank as to the reason why this was not processed.
21No Action TakenThe customer’s card issuer has indicated there is a problem with the credit card number. The customer should use an alternate credit card, or contact their bank.
22Suspected MalfunctionThe customer’s card issuer could not be contacted during the transaction. The customer should check the card information and try processing the transaction again.
23Unacceptable Transaction FeeAn unspecified bank error has occurred. No further information is available from eWAY or the bank. The customer should attempt to process the transaction again.
25Unable to Locate Record on FileThe customer’s card issuer does not recognise the credit card details. The customer should check the card information and try processing the transaction again.
30Format ErrorThe customer’s card issuer does not recognise the transaction details being entered. This is due to a format error. The customer should check the transaction information and try processing the transaction again.
31Bank Not Supported by SwitchThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as it does not allow transactions originating through mail/telephone, fax, email or Internet orders. 
33Expired Card, CaptureThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as Card has expired or the date is incorrect. Check the expiry date in the transaction and try processing the transaction again. Sometimes, this error code will be provided if the expiry date is entered incorrectly, NOT only for expired cards.
34Suspected Fraud, Retain Card

The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as there is a suspected fraud on this credit card number.

You should check transactions processed after any declined transactions receiving this particular error to monitor for fraudulent transactions on alternate cards.

35Card Acceptor, Contact Acquirer, Retain CardThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction and requested that your customer’s card be retained as the card was reported as lost or stolen.
36Restricted Card, Retain CardThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction and requested that your customer’s card be retained.
37Contact Acquirer Security Department, Retain CardThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction and requested that your customer’s card be retained.
38PIN Tries Exceeded, CaptureThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN three times.

39No Credit AccountThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the Credit Card number used is not a credit account.
40Function Not SupportedThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as it does not allow this type of transaction.
41Lost CardThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the card has been reported lost. 
42No Universal AccountThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the account type selected is not valid for this credit card number. The customer should use an alternate credit card, or contact their bank.
43Stolen CardThe customer’s card has been reported as stolen. While you could contact this customer yourself, it's very possible that this transaction is fraudulent. Tread carefully.
44No Investment AccountThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the account type selected is not valid for this credit card number.
51Insufficient FundsThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the credit card does not have sufficient funds. Advise your customer of this fact, and they should either use an alternate card or contact their bank.
52No Cheque AccountThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the credit card number is associated to a cheque account that does not exist.
53No Savings AccountThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the credit card number is associated to a savings account that does not exist.
54Expired Card

The customer’s card is expired. Contact your customer and confirm that the correct dates were entered and that there were no mistakes (e.g. 05/21 rather than 05/20).

Note: Invalid expiry dates (ie, expiry year is in the past) are not able to be passed through eWAY.

55Incorrect PINThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the customer has entered an incorrect PIN. The customer should re-enter their PIN.
56No Card RecordThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the credit card number does not exist. The customer should re-enter their card details, or use an alternate credit card.
57Function Not Permitted to CardholderThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as this credit card cannot be used for this type of transaction. The customer should use an alternate credit card, or contact their bank.
58Function Not Permitted to TerminalThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as this credit card cannot be used for this type of transaction. This may be associated with a test credit card number. The customer should use an alternate credit card, or contact their bank.
59Suspected FraudThe customer’s card issuer has declined this transaction as the credit card appears to be fraudulent. While you could contact this customer yourself, it's very possible that this transaction is fraudulent. Tread carefully.
60Acceptor Contact AcquirerThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction. The customer should contact their bank and retry the transaction.
61Exceeds Withdrawal LimitThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as it will exceed the customer’s card limit. The customer should use an alternate credit card, or speak with their bank.
62Restricted CardThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the credit card has some restrictions. The customer should use an alternate credit card, or contact their bank.
63Security ViolationThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction. The customer should use an alternate credit card, and contact their bank.
64Original Amount IncorrectThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction due to the amount attempting to be processed. The customer should check the transaction amount and try again, contacting their card issuer should the problem persist.
65Exceeds withdrawalThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the customer has exceeded the withdrawal frequency limit.
66Acceptor Contact Acquirer, SecurityThe customer should use an alternative credit card. Neither eWAY nor the bank can provide more details.
67Capture CardThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the card is suspected to be a counterfeit. The customer’s card issue has requested that your customer’s credit card be retained by you.

While you can contact the customer yourself, it's very possible that this transaction is fraudulent. Tread carefully.
75PIN Tries ExceededThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the customer has entered the incorrect PIN more than three times.
82CVV Validation ErrorThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the CVV is incorrect. The customer should check the CVV details (the 3 numbers on the back for Visa/MC, or 4 numbers on the front for AMEX) and try again. If not successful, the customer should use an alternate credit card.
90Cutoff In ProgressThe customer’s card issuer is temporarily not able to process this customer’s credit card. The customer should attempt to process this transaction again.
91Card Issuer UnavailableThe customer’s card issuer is unable to be contacted to authorise the transaction. The customer should attempt to process this transaction again.

If the problem persists, there may be an issue with the card issuing bank, and the cardholder should contact their bank.
92Unable To Route TransactionThe customer’s card issuer cannot be found for routing. This response code is often returned when the customer is using a test credit card number. The customer should attempt to process this transaction again.
93Cannot Complete, Violation Of The LawThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction and request the customer to contact their bank.
94Duplicate TransactionThe customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as this transaction appears to be a duplicate transmission. Check this is the case and process the transaction again if needed.
96System ErrorThe customer’s card issuer was not able to process the transaction. The customer should attempt to process this transaction again.

Where to find error codes

On the Admin site, go to Customer Service > Search the order > Find the red text in the 'Payments' section shown below.

For further transaction research, use the OpenEdge Transaction Query (click for link) or the WorldPay Transaction Query (click for link), depending on your payment processor.

Additional Resources for OpenEdge:

Additional Resources for WorldPay:

References for bank response codes: and


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