USPS Address Verification
How do I verify a customer’s address is valid?
USPS has an address verification tool that will verify if the address you enter is valid or invalid and provided you with a valid address that could be what you are looking for. You should always verify the new address with your customer. ZIP Code™ Lookup | USPS.
Using the USPS Verification tool.
Enter in the address you have in OrderPort into the associated fields and select Find. You will see a screen like the one below with the address “You entered” and the correct address below. If these are the same address, then you have entered a valid address. If not, you should contact your customer and update your address accordingly. As you can see in the example the zip code was entered in incorrectly. If more than one address matches the information provided, try narrowing your search by entering a street address and, if applicable, a unit number. Select Edit and search again.