Delivering Wine Club Shipments to a FedEx or UPS Location
Is it possible to deliver wine shipments to a licensed FedEx or UPS location at the customer's request?
Wine shipments can, at the request of the customer, be delivered to licensed USP stores and FedEx/Kinko’s locations. This doesn’t require any change to the status of a business’ shipping account. The winery will enter the address for a Fed Ex/Kinko’s or UPS location selected by the customer and specify HOLD AT LOCATION in the Company Name. The person entering the information will then have to make sure to select Fed Ex or UPS as customer's preferred shipper in the shipping address window for the specified club. FedEx will only ship to FedEx locations and UPS will only ship to UPS locations. GLS cannot ship to either FedEx or UPS locations.
The package will be held for 5-7 business days depending on the location. If the customer doesn't come pick it up during that allotted, it will be returned to the winery.