Reading the User Timecards Report
What is the User Timecards Report?
This Report Provided you with Specific Information on the time worked by individual users. This report provides you with the duration of time, Location of work, and Tips received in the selected time period.
How to Read the Report
This Report has three sections. Each section provided varying levels of detail. Summary, Details, Details w Adjustments.
This Section Provides you with a table of information. The first column is the name of the User. Then It breaks down the location where they worked at. If a user worked at multiple locations, you would see their name display one time per location. You will see Working Time, Working hours, and Tips.
Working Time: The total time spent clocked in. Broken down by hours, minutes, and seconds.
Working Hours: This calculates how many hours the employed worked to make providing hourly pay easier.
Tips: The gratuity that the employee earned.
This section is divided up by each user and then provided specific information on every date and time that they worked. This section does not provide tip information.
Working Time: The total time spent clocked in. Broken down by hours, minutes, and seconds.
Working Hours: This calculates how many hours the employed worked to make providing hourly pay easier.
Details w Adjustments
This section is divided up by each user and then provided specific information on every date and time that they worked. This section does not provide tip information. It also included if there were any manual adjustments to the user timecard.
Adjustments can only be made by a manager. If there is an adjustment made it will appear on the right-hand side of the report.