OrderPort Restaurant Setup and Usage Guide

Modified on Tue, 16 Jul at 12:17 PM

Table Of Contents

Compatibility/ Downloading the App

OrderPort Restaurant is our winery Restaurant Application and is only available on Apple devices. Please note they are only compatible with IOS13 and above. OrderPort Restaurant is also only compatible with WorldPay and OpenEdge Payment Processors. If you are using OrderPort payments powered by Stripe please see the OrderPort Restaurant Two Guide.

To download the app on your Apple device navigate to the Apple App Store. In the search bar type OrderPort Restaurant into the search bar. The application will be an Orange Color. 

Point of Sales Settings 

Point of Sale settings can be found in OrderPort Administration > Services > Point of Sale > Settings. These allow you to change some of the functionality of the app. There are Universal settings at the top of the screen that affect all Tasting Room and Restaurant Locations. Below then are the Individual Locations settings. This allows you to have different settings at different locations of business. If a Location is set up to be a restaurant next to the name in parentheses it will say (restaurant). 

If any changes are made to these settings then you will need to fully sign out of all devices with the OrderPort Restaurant app and sign back in. To do this Navigate to the Manage Screen, in the right-hand corner select the red sign-out button. When you sign back in the changes will be applied. 

Please note: Table Number, Split by Guest, and table map are required features for restaurants.

Universal Settings

The checkboxes at the top of the page affect the behavior of all tasting rooms and restaurant locations.

  • PIN Settings: On the left side, there are settings to require certain actions to be approved using a manager pin.
  • Guest Order Counter: Guests without accounts are given a default name. This setting helps distinguish between multiple guests with the same name by adding a number.
  • Physical Inventory Count: The physical inventory count allows you to do inventory counts from your device. These counts are imported into OrderPort admin where a manager will resolve any discrepencies.
  • Receipt Options: These options customize whether the winery name and associate name are displayed on the receipt.
  • Contactless Checkout: This setting does not affect contactless payment. If this setting is enabled, the tip is requested before the card is read. If this setting is disabled, the tip is requested after the card is read.

Restaurant Settings

  • Tips: This setting enables or disables tips.
  • Edit Order: This setting enables or disables order edits on the point of sale.
  • Quick Order: This is a legacy option and is no longer relevant.
  • Work Order: This setting enables or disables work orders.
  • Table Map (Required for Restaurant): This allows you to set up a seating area with tables and chairs on a virtual map. This map is a seperate screen viewable from the manage page. Tapping a table starts a new order at that table. This setting requires Table Numbers to be enabled.
  • Card Present Account: This is the credit card processing account that the point of sale will use.
  • Guest Name: This is the default name given to customers without accounts.
  • Dynamic Search: Dynamic search updates the search results as you type. If disabled, it will not display any results until the search button is pressed.
  • Filter by Associate (Requires for Restaurant): When this is enabled, active carts displayed on the manage screen are filtered by user.
  • Receipt Printing (Restaurant Only): This can be set to automatically print the merchant and/or customer receipts. This setting is ignored if Electronic Signature is enabled.
  • Pin Options: These options require a pin to start and checkout an order.
  • Electronic Signature Required: This setting requires the customer to provide their electronic signature.
  • Ship From Location: This setting selects where shipping orders taken at this location will be shipped out of by default. If left blank, the order will be set to ship from the tasting room.
  • Landing Page: This is the default screen that will display on the manage page. This is only relevant if you have table maps enabled (see the table map setting above).
  • Table Numbers (Required for Restaurant): This setting allows associates to assign table numbers to each order.
  • Split by Guest (Required for Restaurant): This allows customers to split their orders into bills based on which guest ordered which product. This setting requires table numbers to be enabled.
  • Open Order Alert: This warns an associate when trying to open an order that is already open on another device.
  • Prevent Checkout with Unprinted Items: This setting will provide an alert to the clerk before they try to checkout an order if any Kitchen/ Bar Items have not been sent to a printer yet.

Text Modifiers Setup

Text modifiers are used when you have to type out a note on a resturant item. To save you time in the long run setting up text modifiers allows you to quickly inform your kitchen of order specifications. 

Ex: Rare, Medium Rare, Medium Well, Well done. 


1. In Catalog Manager, click on New Group

2. Select Restaurant

3. Enter the name of the Group and select the Group Type: Text modifier

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4. Click on Save Changes

5. A new tab will be displayed, click on it.

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6. Select the input box for Link Item(s) and start typing in what you want the Text Modifier to be

7. An option will then appear below the input that says Add Item

8. Click the Add Item option

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You Can add multiple new Text modifiers at once, just make sure you click on Add Item for each new Text modifier

9. Once you click on Link, a Save Changes button will appear. Make sure you click on Save Changes

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Applying a modifier to a group 

1. In Catalog manager, select the group's button.

2. Click view/edit on the desired restaurant group. 

3. Navigate to the text modifiers tab and under link items search for the text modifier group.

 4. Click on the group and link the product. Then save changes.

Applying a modifier to a Product.

1. In Catalog manager, search for the desired product and navigate to the product info tab.

2. On the right-hand side under the select image you will see a button called manage modifiers and required items.

3. Click add an item and choose the type of modifier and group you want. Save changes. Make sure to save changes on the product as well. 

Connecting Products to Printers

In OrderPort restaurant, you have the ability to specify specific products for specific Kitchen and Bar printers. To do this navigate to OrderPort Admin > Point of Sale Module > Printers and Drawers. Make sure you have set up all of your printers prior to this step. Click on the details drop-down on the desired printer. Click Products.   

From here you will see a list of all linked products. You can link a product to multiple printers of the same type. You can click on the Linked Items free field to either scroll through the list of all items or search by the product name. 

If you want to filter the products that populate into the list you can use the groups field to search for specific catalog manager groups. This way you can quickly populate the printer with all items in a specific group. Ex: Salads group being linked to the Salad Printer. 

After you have selected all your items selected click the Link button to add them to this printer. If you need to unlinkand item from the link click the Unlink Button.

Please Note: Your products need to already have the correct printer type selected in the catalog manager. Otherwise, it will not let you link it to a printer that has a different type. For example: The printer I have selected is a Kitchen Printer but this product is a Bar type.

If you need to change the print type go to OrderPort Admin > Products > Catalog Manager > Select the desired product. Then from the Product details page you will see a drop down called Point of Sale Printer Mode.

Signing in  

After downloading the OrderPort Restaurant app on an Apple device, and Opening it up It will ask you to enable the "local network". This feature is required for printer pairing. after selecting yes you will use your OrderPort administration login to access the app. It will request a Username, Password, and PIN. If you need assistance getting these credentials please contact helpdesk@orderport.net.

After logging in for the first time it will also ask you to enable Bluetooth. This is required for pairing Card Readers and Barcode Scanner Devices. It will also ask if you want to Pair your card reader immediately. If you do please review the Card Reader Pairing and Troubleshooting guide. 

After selecting no or fully Pairing the Card reader if you have any set up printers or cash drawers it will ask you to select the one you would like to connect to. If you wish to set this up later you can select the x in the top right-hand corner of the yellow pop-up. 

Manage Screen 

 The Manage screen is the home page of the OrderPort App. From here you can manage your orders, employees, and access all other features provided on the OrderPort Restaurant app. This screen can be broken up into three main sections. The top navigation, side navigation, and Order Manager/Tables. Depending on your Point of Sale Settings this screen will either default to the Order List or Table Map page.  

Top Navigation: This purple bar allows you to select between the different tabs on the point of sale including Manage, Restaurant, Checkout, Account, Club, and Tools. Each of these will be covered in the document. 

Side Navigation: This Gray bar allows you to access specific tools including Reservations, Tables, Drawer, Order Search, Gift Card Balance, and Clock in/Out. It also has the clear all button for the Order Search Feature. Each of these features will be covered in this document. 

Order List

This Section is broken up into two parts. The Start Order and Order navigation. 

  • To Create an order us the Start Order Feature. If this order is for an existing customer enter their name next to the start button. Once you find the customer tap on their name. If they are not an existing member, simply select Start. Now you will need to select the number of guests along with where they are sitting. 

  • The order navigation allows you to see the name, seating location, and type of order. Since these are not yet completed orders we call them carts. Every type has an associated color to help you understand the current status of that order. On the right hand side you will see a gray filter button. 


For OrderPort Restaurant Filter by associated will always be on. On the left hand side of the Order List page select "Filter". This will bring up a pop up that will Allow you to Filter by Order Type and Staff. To Deselect a user tap on the green bar next to their name. Please note that you can not unselect the user currently signed in to the OrderPort Restaurant app.  

If you want to filter by Order Type click on the Selected Types tab. Click on the Order types you would like to remove. The ones that are hidden will be displayed in Purple. 

If you have the Prevent Checkout with unprinted Items there will be a third filtering option labeled Print Status. You can select to ignore this status or to Filter by Unprinted only. 

Cart Colors

Here are all the Order colors you may see on the POS:

  • Dark Blue Cart – This is a Guest Cart or a Non-member account. This cart's color will be overridden by a payment color (Light Blue, Orange, Purple, and Red).
  • Green Cart – This is a Member Cart meaning the Wine Club member is assigned to the cart. This cart's color will be overridden by a payment color (Light Blue, Orange, Purple, and Red).
  • Grey Cart – This is a ToGo cart. This cart's color will be overridden by a payment color (Light Blue, Orange, Purple, and Red).
  • Light Blue Cart – This is a reservation order with a product that was prepaid for. It functions similarly to an Orange Cart (Start tab)
  • Orange Cart – The Start Tab function has been enabled and it’s waiting for you to close the Tab on the Checkout screen.
  • Purple Cart – This is a Work Order cart, click here to learn more about Work Orders.
  • Red Cart – This is a past order Open For Edit, you can refund items or add additional items to the cart.

Starting an Order through Order List

Starting an Order: To start an Order Navigate to the manage screen. If this order is for an existing customer enter their name next to the start button. Once you find the customer tap on their name. If they are not an existing member, simply select Start. Now you will need to select the number of guests along with where they are sitting. 


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Selecting Where to Sit: OrderPort has 3 Different selections for seating customers. These options will only appear if you have table numbers turned on. This can be enabled in POS Settings module in OrderPort Admin. 

The first is selecting a table. In the Top left of the pop up there is a table icon. Selecting that will bring you to your table map where you can select a table. The second is Bar. This allows you to seat the customer without selecting a table for them. The last is To Go Orders.


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Table maps are required for all restaurant locations. You can have as many of these maps as you like and these can be set up through the Table Map Section of the App. This will be covered later in the document. 

Tables allows you to have a visual and interactive page where you can see your table layout. To access this from your OrderPort Restaurant app select the Tables button or the Manage screen depending on your settings. If you have multiple maps You will see the Titles listed in green at the top of the map. Click through each area to see your different layouts. Green tables are available and ready for customers. Once you select a table it will allow you to search for a customer and enter the number of guests. If you select too many guests for that table, it will notify you to select an additional table or that this table is not combinable. Once all needs are met you can select to seat guests. 

If you want to review or navigate to the order of a specific table select an occupied table. It will pull up there name what time they were seated and how long they have been at the table. You will also see a View ticket button. This will bring up a pop up of everything that is in their cart and the remaining balance. You from here you can select the green Open Button to be brought into their order. 

Starting an Order through Tables

Selecting Where to Sit: If you are starting an order through tables the first thing you need to do is select a table. Click through the areas and find a Green Available Table. Select the desired table and a pop-up will display on the left side of the screen. If this order is for an existing customer click the blue Customer search bar and enter their name. Once you find the customer tap on their name. If they are not an existing member, simply select enter in their name into the fields without selecting customer search. Then Enter in the Number of Guest and Select seat guest. This will start an order for the customer. 

Running a Transaction

Choosing products: Once the Order is started it will take you to the Restaurant tab. This tab is divided into two sections the left side is the Courses where the selected products will be displayed. The right side is the products to choose from. Each guest will have a base of 3 courses, but more can be added by selecting the + button. At the top of the page, you will see the groups you created for your restaurant products. Clicking through these will allow you to find the desired products. You can also search for a product with the search feature at the bottom of the page. Once a product is selected you will have the option to add modifiers and notes to the product. Once you add a product if there are any attached modifiers an Orange bar will appear on the bottom right hand side that says "Add Modifiers".  Select the Arrow next to this to see all available modifiers. You can select multiple modifiers from the dropdown menu or select Add Note to add a custom modifier. 

From this page you also have the option to cancel an order, Add more guests, remove a guest, View the customer's Account, Or Use the Wine Menu. This Menu connects to any groups and products you have set up for OrderPort Five. 

Sending Orders to the Kitchen or Bar: Once Products have been selected click on the green kitchen button. This screen will be divided in half. The first half is bar items. Products here will be sent to your bar printer. Select the Purple print button. The second half is Kitchen items. Products here will be sent to your kitchen printer. Select the Orange print button. Already Printed items will display as italicized and will not print again unless print all is selected. Select the Green kitchen button again to go back to the Product Select page.

Checkout: Once the customer is ready to check out click the checkout button. Any discounts you have will be auto-applied on this page. If you need to add a custom discount do so through the selection of the quick discount. Select the Method of payment. 

Credit If credit is selected your printer will print out a customer and merchant copy. Have the customer sign and add their desired tip to the receipt. Now you need to close the order. Hit the green Close button. Enter the tip the customer wishes to add and complete the order.

Running a Tab

Once you get to the checkout screen instead of checking the customer all the way out select start a tab. You will have to select what payment the tab will be started with. Now you can add more products to the cart until the customer is ready to close their tab. Go to checkout and select the Close tab button. If you select to start the tab with a card it will ask you if you want to close the tab with the same card. If you select yes, it will ask the customer to select a tip. If not select a different method of payment and proceed with checkout.

Running a Split Transaction

Once you have selected your products and the customers are ready to checkout select the Orange Split button on the checkout screen. You will be asked how you would like to split the transaction. You can choose to split the transaction evenly or split it between Guests.

Split Evenly: Split evenly will bring you to a screen where you can select how many ways you would like to split the transaction. If you wish to split the transaction 3 ways, select Add a ticket two times. When you are ready to pay a ticket select edit or pay this ticket. If necessary, you can adjust the Ticket amount and then select the method of payment. After all the tickets are paid, you will need to close any of the tickets that say Close. Closing a ticket is when the tip amount is entered. You can also refund an already paid ticket if a mistake was made.

Split Between Guests: Split-buy guests will divide the ticket by the product selected for each guest. If there is a product on the wrong guest or you want to split the cost of that product between multiple guests tap and hold on to that product. It will bring you to a page where you can select to split the payment or assign the product to a different guest. Tap on each guest at the top of the screen to pay for their ticket. The select guest will be a black box and all other guests will be displayed as purple. You will need to close each of these transactions.


The reservations tab on the restaurant app allows you to see existing reservations a create new ones from the restaurant app. Any existing reservations will show up under the all areas tab in the reservations section. Once the customer shows up at the restaurant select Start Order. You can choose to change the number of guests and the table they are seated at. To start a new reservation, select the area and chose a time slot. You can search for an existing customer or type in their contact information. If you need to move or cancel a reservation tap and hold on to the existing reservation. If you need to cancel the reservation change the status.

Waiting List

OrderPort Restaurant has a button on the left-hand side called Table Waiting List. This feature allows you to add customers to a waiting list. This list will tell you how long a customer has been waiting and seat them directly from this page. If the customer provided you with a phone number, you can send them a text message with the ready button.

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Adding a customer

If you are checking out an order for a customer who does not have an account with the winery you can set that up after the transaction is complete. At the end of every guest order, it will take you to the Create an Account page. Enter at minimum the First and Last name along with an email.

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Adding a Wine Club member

From the app select the club tab. This will take you to a page where you can enter an email. If that email is attached to an existing account, it will pull up that customer so you can add a new club membership to their account. If they are not, it will ask you to enter all of their account information and select their wine club.

Shipping an Order

If you want to ship wines from the tasting room add all the products like you are creating a normal order. Please note this must be done as a separate transaction from any in-house purchases.

Step One

-In order to ship you will need to be on the checkout screen. Make sure all your products are added prior to shipping. 

-You can edit and already processed order, in case you need to ship that order. 

-On the checkout screen, on the left side you will see the payment method options. In this list, there is a ship button. 


Step Two: Estimated Rates Screen

-Once you select the ship button you will be brought to the Estimated Rates screen. 

-This page allows you to enter someone’s zip code to see approximately what shipping will cost. 

-This page also provides you with a list of states that your winery can ship to, this allows you to ensure you can ship to someone without entering all of their information. 

-You do not need to do this step. You can select continue without selecting a state or zip code.

Step Three: Billing and Shipping Address

-If you have assigned this order to a customer with billing and shipping information it will auto-populate. 

-If you have not assigned this order to a customer yet you can select the search customer button to see if they have an account you can assign to this order.

-You do not need an account to ship. The information can be manually entered into this screen. 

-When shipping keep in mind that for many shipping carriers phone numbers and birthday are required on the shipping address. 

-When you are done select save and continue. 


Step 4: Selecting Shipping Rates

-All available shipping methods for this address will populate along with the carrier rate. 

-Select the desired method.

-If you want to ship this in the future you can add a future ship date from this page as well. 

-Click Continue 


Optional:Manually Adjusting Shipping Price

-After shipping has been applied to an order if you need to manually adjust the price navigate to the checkout screen.

-Next to the shipping cost there will be an Orange pencil. Click on the pencil to adjust the price. Make sure to save. 

Refunding a Transaction

If you need to refund a transaction navigate to the Tools and then the Reports tab. At the bottom of the page, you will find a Completed Orders tab. Tap on the Order and select Full Refund. At this time there is no option to partially refund or edit a Restaurant Order.


Updating and Reviewing Customer Accounts 

If you need to review or adjust any of your customer's account information you can do so through the Account tab. On the right-hand side there is a blue Search Customer button. From here you can see their name, email, customer class status, birthday, and phone number on the top of the screen. Right under this are some light blue buttons.

Customer Details: Here you can view recent purchases, favorite items, loyalty points, account notes, and their club membership. If you need to adjust someones club membership you can select it from this page. Here you can Update, Change, or Cancel their club membership.

Order History: Here you can View order details, Edit Orders, Release Pick-up orders and take payment on unpaid club orders. 

Credit Card: Here you can Add, Update, and Delete Cards on file. You can also assign a card on file to be the default card on someone's Wine Club account. 

Address: Here you can update people's shipping and billing addresses. You can add secondary addresses as well. 

Clock in/ Clock Out

Clocking in

On the left-hand side of the app, there is a Clock In/out button. This will take you to the Clock In/out page. From here enter your Pin number and select the green In button.

Clocking Out

On the left-hand side of the app, there is a Clock In/out button. This will take you to the Clock In/out page. From here enter your Pin number and select the Red Out button.


This button is accessible to everyone. It will show the current employees whose pin is entered hours for the day, week, and monthly intervals. 


This button is accessible to only managers. Here you can view and edit an existing employee’s timecards. Select the edit button on the de desired day. This is where you can select the employee you want to edit. Select the add in/out button to make a new adjustment or click on one of the existing in/out buttons to edit a current time slot.

Drawer Open

This report should be viewed every morning before opening for business. This will auto-fill to whatever your last saved information was every morning. The numbers here should match what you have in your cash drawer at the start of the day 

Drawer Close

This report should be adjusted every day after the store closes. You should match this with the number of bills, coins, checks, and credit card transactions that have been taken throughout the day. 


These can be accessed under the tools > reports tab in the section called Available Reports. The available report is all of the reports we offer on the Restaurant App. If you need a report that is not here, you will need to run that report through OrderPort administration. To use these reports simply tap on the desired report and it will automatically run for today. You can run these reports for a different day by clicking select a date after any of the reports runs. The cash drawer close and open reports here are not adjustable. Please use the Cash drawer open and close tabs to make any necessary adjustments. 

Completed Orders

The completed Orders section is located at the bottom of the reports tab. This will show you a list of all orders that were completed on the Point of Sale today. If you need you can use the order search feature to find a particular order quickly. In addition, the Date at the top of the screen can be modified to show you past orders. Orders that display as purple instead of green have been refunded.A picture containing Teams

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Table Map Setup

In the Resturant app under the Tools > Table Maps section, you can adjust the layout of your table maps. At the top of the screen in Light Green, you will see the names of all the areas you have available. These areas are set up in the reservations module on OrderPort Administration. Select the desired area. The screen will then be Split into Table Settings and Layout Settings. 

Table Settings

Here you will see some basic information about all the available tables in this area. To edit an existing table tap on the name. From here you Can adjust how many seats there are at the table, if there is a minimum number of guests for this table, and if you would like it to be combinable. Combinable means you can push two tables together for a larger party. If you wish to add a new table you can click the Plus button. 

Layout Settings 

Here you can see the table layout for this area. Each area can have multiple layouts including temporary ones for events. To add a new layout select the plus button, to view and edit the existing layout select the word "Map" on the desired layout. 

Available Tables

AllowsOnce you are in the layout you will have a list of all available tables on the right-hand side. After enabling a table form the list of available tables by clicking the gray toggle you can drag it to your desired location. Next to each table are three dots. Select this Allos you to choose a Standard Square table or a round table. 

Table Alignment. 

 Toggles between single selection and multi selection.

45-degree Rotation

Left Alignment

Right Alignment

Top Alignment 

Bottom Alignment

Space in between vertically

Space in between Horazontaily

Additional Order Types

OrderPort also Offers Work orders and To-Go Orders from the Restaurant App. Please review the documents on these if you are interested in them. 


If you need assistance with Pairing a Printer, Card Reader, or Barcode scanner please review the associated documents. 

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