How do upload a report to ShipCompliant with all of my orders for the month?
In the Reports module under Standard Reports > Shipping Reports, there is a report titled ShipCompliant Export. This report should be uploaded directly into ShipComplaint without any adjustment needed.
After selecting a date range and running the report you can filter the report to show all sales or just sales not sent to shipcomplaint. Then Upload it to ShipCompliant.
Do pickup orders get sent to ShipCompliant?
No. Only shipping orders are sent from OrderPort to ShipCompliant.
Does ShipComplaint Override the Sales Tax and Licensing Module?
No, you will need to have Sales Tax enabled for all states that you are selling to regardless of if you are using ShipComplaint or not. If you do not have some states set in OrderPort to collect Sales tax then those orders will be processed without it through ShipComplaint.
Potential Errors
Your order failed to pass compliance check (Rule has not been acknowledged)
This is not an OrderPort error. It is coming from Ship Compliant. You will have to contact them directly to find out what this means for your winery.